Bricole reincke’s Career site photo gallery
Bricole is the Vice President of Interactive Metronome (IM) and has been with the company for 16 years. She frequently presents information on the technology in videos and webinar format. Bricole also is proud to represent IM and at all of the national Tradeshow exhibits, which include the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), American Speech and Hearing Association and American Physical Therapy Association. You will see many pictures of her standing at a tradeshow booth in this photo gallery.
Bricole Reincke, Vice President of Interactive Metronome
After the NIH Conference we walked around the National Mall.
Bricole Reincke enjoying a Miniature Australian dog kiss after a hard days work!
Hazel greets me home from work with a doggy kisses!
Bricole Reincke after shooting an Interactive Metronome Video
Check out the new product table I made for my in office video trainings.
Bricole Reincke with Matthew Wukasch Interactive Metronome at AOTA
We are ready to show off what IM has to offer at another trade show.
Bricole Reincke in Philly for AOTA Conference
I’m representing Interactive Metronome at the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) Conference in 2016.
Bricole Reincke with Interactive Metronome is ready to exhibit
Another exhibit! Game on with Interactive Metronome at a conference near you!
Bricole Reincke with new product
Tradeshows are my forte! So much that I forget where this one is! From the looks of the banner, my guess is AOTA or APTA since there is motor-related content on the background.
Bricole Reincke at NIH Conference
Washing DC is such an amazing place to explore. The weather was perfect this day. And so was the NIH Conference.
Bricole Reincke in her office at Interactive Metronome
Just an office selfie of me with the Interactive Metronome table runners that I purchased for all of our instructors. I love how simple they are.
Bricole Reincke in her office at Interactive Metronome getting ready to shoot a video
Now this is an oldie or should I say young-ie! Back in the hay-days of 2012 I am getting ready to record some videos on IM-Home, which is the home extension of Interactive Metronome.
Bricole Reincke claps for Interactive Metronome
Clap for the Interactive Metronome new product: IM Pro 360.
Bricole Reincke and Amy Vega at Music and the Mind Presentation
What an honor to be a part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Music and the Mind Conference. Amy and I are in stage going through a dry run of what will be presenting on Interactive Metronome.
Bricole Reincke in San Antonio getting ready for a presentation
It’s all business in San Antonio. I was there representing Interactive Metronome at the Braintree Neurorehabilitation Conference. What a cool little town!
Bricole Reincke taking some time away from the booth to shop
I’m from Southwest Ranches and it was cold wherever I was, so a much needed shopping break was taken during the tradeshow.
Bricole Reincke AOTA in Nashville
The American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) Conference was held in Nashville, TN in 2015.
Bricole Reincke by spiral staircase
This was my very first Linked In profile picture from 2013. How time flies by!
Bricole Reincke is Vice President for Interactive Metronomet
This is my new 2020 headshot for my LinkedIn Profile. Did you know I actually took it with my iPhone? The camera on the iPhone 11 Pro is just phenomenal!
Bricole Reincke and Matthew Wukasch are ready for Music And The Mind
Driving to the NIH Music and the Mind Conference.
Bricole Reincke walking around Philly
Walking around Philadelphia after a long day exhibiting at the Interactive Metronome booth.
Bricole Reincke looking off in the Distance
Not sure what I’m looking at here, but it must have been at something that made me pensive based on the look on my face.
Bricole Reincke and April Christopherson in Korea
In Korea showing off IM with my colleague, April Christopherson.
Bricole Reincke Amy Vega Interactive Metronome Music And The Mind
At the Kennedy Center in Washington DC.
Bricole Reincke and April meet with clinicians in Korea
I had the honor of traveling to Korea with April Christopherson to work with our distributors from Hospi, Co.